Spring 2015

Errata to lecture notes
(continually updated)

18/2 2015
LN 4, p. 65, first line of (ii):    "g > 0"    should read    "g 0".  
 LN 8, p. 120, eq. (8.21): delete "- 1" on the right-hand side of the equation (to obtain consistence with the formulation at p. 116 (the middle) and p. 127-29.
LN 9, p. 140, line 2:    "if have"    should read    "if we can write".
            -   ,    -     , line 4:    "we can write"   should read    "we have".
            -   , p. 147, footnote 6, line 1-2:    "and m is a nonnegative number" should be deleted.
LN 9, p. 150, line 14:    Delete the complete line, that is, delete "effective discount rate appearing on the right-hand side of (9.21), namely the".
            -   , p. 153, line 1-2:    "Figure ??"    should read    "Figure 1".
            -   , p. 154, line 3:    "is then unknown"    should read    "is the unknown".
            -         -     , line 5 from below:    "Figure ??"    should read    "Figure 1".
LN 11, p. 178, line 9-8 from below:    "...+1)H(t)."    should read    "...+1)H(t) along the balanced gorwth path." 
            -          -     , line 7 from below:    "Y(t) = ... "    should read    "Y(t) =  f(k_hat*) ...".  

LN 14, p. 248, in the formula at the middle of the page, beta should be replaced by 1-beta and 1-beta should be replaced by beta.
            -     , p. 253, line 5 from below:    "the research flow z_jt"    should read    "the research investment z_jt".
            -     , p. 256, line 3:    "putting one unit of account at the disposal"    should read    "putting finance at the disposal".
            -     ,    -     , line 4:    "the household gets"    should read    "the households get".   
            -     ,    -     , line 5:    "the payoff per time unit"    should read    "the payoff per time unit per unit of account invested".
            -     ,    -     , line 6:    "the household buys a lottery ticket"    should read    "the households buy lottery tickets". 

LN 14, p. 256, right before Section 14.3.4 begins addition of the following paragraph may help understanding what is meant by "loan market" and "interest rate" in the model:  

We see that the obligation of the "borrowing" R&D lab to pay back the principal (possibly with interest) to the investors (the households) is conditional on R&D success. In case of R&D success, the investors get the gross return V_(t), to be shared between them in proportion to their investment. Although such a contract does not fit the notion of a loan in everyday language, in the economics vocabulary it is considered a specific form of a loan and the market for such contracts a specific kind of a "loan market". By diversification, the households can with certainty get the expected rate of return, r_(t), in this market on their saving. We label this rate of return "the interst rate" because it is as if there were a market for safe loans with r_(t) as the interest rate.

        LN 15, p. 276, line 2:      .
            -            -    , line 13 from below:    .

LN 16, p. 315, line 1:    Delete "with CES production function".

LN 10, p. 161, line 6,    "that a feasible"    should read    "that are feasible".
        LN 13, p. 230, line 3 from below:    "long run even when"    should read    "long run when".

LN 10, p. 169, line 11 from below:    "is impossible for any"    should read    "for some".

LN 13, p. 220, line 10 and footnote 10:    "(16.29)"    should read    "(13.15)".