Coming events at DERG:


Development Economics Research Group

The Development Economics Research Group (DERG) is a group of economists based in the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Copenhagen. Work aims at promoting high-quality policy relevant research in development economics. DERG was established and consolidated during the period 1996-2002 (sometimes referred to as DERG-I). Research and policy analysis continued under DERG-II (2002-2007), and is now carried out under DERG-III under the coordination of Professor Finn Tarp. Research is organized under three main headings:

The developing countries in the global economy, including globalization, international trade and capital movements.

National economic development policies, including structural adjustment, growth and transitional economics.

Agriculture, environment and resource utilization, including the links between poverty, agriculture, natural resources and local institutions.

Three cross cutting themes, i.e. theory of development economics, poverty and food security, and aid policy, are also covered. DERG is together with local and international partners responsible for large scale research activities in Mozambique and Vietnam with a variety of sources of funding, including the Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU).



Development Economics Research Group
Department of Economics
University of Copenhagen
Studiestræde 6
Dk-1455, Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone: (+45) 35 32 30 59
Fax: (+45) 35 32 30 00
E-mail: Martin Groth Hjelmsø

Coordinator: Finn Tarp




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