Spring 2015
Errata to lecture notes
(continually updated)
18/2 2015
LN 4, p. 65, first line of (ii): "g > 0" should read "g ≥ 0".
LN 8, p. 120, eq. (8.21): delete "- 1" on the right-hand side of the equation (to obtain consistence with the formulation at p. 116 (the middle) and p. 127-29.
LN 9, p. 140, line 2: "if have" should read "if we can write".
- , - , line 4: "we can write" should read "we have".
- , p. 147, footnote 6, line 1-2: "and m is a nonnegative number" should be deleted.
LN 9, p. 150, line 14: Delete the complete line, that is, delete "effective discount rate appearing on the right-hand side of (9.21), namely the".
- , p. 153, line 1-2: "Figure ??" should read "Figure 1".
- , p. 154, line 3: "is then unknown" should read "is the unknown".
- - , line 5 from below: "Figure ??" should read "Figure 1".
LN 11, p. 178, line 9-8 from below: "...+1)H(t)." should read "...+1)H(t) along the balanced gorwth path."
- - , line 7 from below: "Y(t) = ... " should read "Y(t) = f(k_hat*) ...".4/5
LN 14, p. 248, in the formula at the middle of the page, beta should be replaced by 1-beta and 1-beta should be replaced by beta.
- , p. 253, line 5 from below: "the research flow z_jt" should read "the research investment z_jt".
- , p. 256, line 3: "putting one unit of account at the disposal" should read "putting finance at the disposal".
- , - , line 4: "the household gets" should read "the households get".
- , - , line 5: "the payoff per time unit" should read "the payoff per time unit per unit of account invested".
- , - , line 6: "the household buys a lottery ticket" should read "the households buy lottery tickets".9/5
LN 14, p. 256, right before Section 14.3.4 begins addition of the following paragraph may help understanding what is meant by "loan market" and "interest rate" in the model:We see that the obligation of the "borrowing" R&D lab to pay back the principal (possibly with interest) to the investors (the households) is conditional on R&D success. In case of R&D success, the investors get the gross return V_(t), to be shared between them in proportion to their investment. Although such a contract does not fit the notion of a loan in everyday language, in the economics vocabulary it is considered a specific form of a loan and the market for such contracts a specific kind of a "loan market". By diversification, the households can with certainty get the expected rate of return, r_(t), in this market on their saving. We label this rate of return "the interst rate" because it is as if there were a market for safe loans with r_(t) as the interest rate.
LN 15, p. 276, line 2:
- - , line 13 from below:.
LN 16, p. 315, line 1: Delete "with CES production function".27/5
LN 10, p. 161, line 6, "that a feasible" should read "that are feasible".
LN 13, p. 230, line 3 from below: "long run even when" should read "long run when".30//5
LN 10, p. 169, line 11 from below: "is impossible for any" should read "for some".1/6
LN 13, p. 220, line 10 and footnote 10: "(16.29)" should read "(13.15)".