NAFTA and drug-related violence in Mexico
with Eduardo Hidalgo (U Bonn) and Erik Hornung (U Bonn)
Gender altruism and attitudes towards violence against women
with Vincent Leyaro (U Dar es Salaam) and Neda Trifkovic (U Copenhagen)
The effectiveness of documentary films to reduce violence against women
with Vincent Leyaro (U Dar es Salaam) and Neda Trifkovic (U Copenhagen)
Gender gaps in politics: Representation, fairness, and meritocracy
with Edith Zink (U Copenhagen) and Sina Smid (Copenhagen Business School)
The return of Pachamama: Coca, politics, and empowerment in Bolivia
with Carlos Molina (MIT) and James A. Robinson (U Chicago)
Fishermen's wives: On the cultural origins of violence against women
with Vincent Leyaro (U Dar es Salaam) and Neda Trifkovic (U Copenhagen)