Peter Birch Sørensen: Public service

International public service

Consultant to the Fiscal Affairs Division, OECD (1990-91); consultant to the Committee of Independent Experts on Company Taxation ('Ruding Committee'), established by the EC Commission (1991-92); consultant to the Ministry of Finance, Sweden (1993); consultant on tax policy to the Nordic Council of Finance Ministers (2002); member of the Norwegian government tax reform committee (2002-2003); consultant on tax policy to the International Monetary Fund (2003, 2005, 2006 and 2008); member of the Group of Economic Analysis established by the European Commission's Group of Policy Advisers (2001-2004); consultant on tax policy to the Canadian Department of Finance (2006); consultant on tax policy to the Swedish Ministry of Finance (2007-08); consultant to the Expert Group on Public Economics established by the Swedish Ministry of Public Finance (2009-10); member of the Norwegian government tax reform committee (2013-2014); member of the Norwegian government's Productivity Commission 2014-2016.

Danish public service

Consultant to the Ministry of Taxation (1988) and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs (1988); consultant to the Ministry of the Environment (1990); member of the government Committee on Structural Problems in the Labour Market (1992); member of the government Committee on Reform of the Personal Income Tax System (1992).

1996-97: Independent Expert Member of the Danish Economic Council, an advisory body to the Danish government.

1997-99: Co-chairman of the Danish Economic Council.

2001: Member of the Danish government committee on "Tax Policy and Internationalisation".

2004-2009: Head Chairman of the Danish Economic Council.

2007-2009: Head Chairman of the Danish Environmental Economic Council.

2010-2011: Assisant Governor and Chief Economist, Danish Central Bank (Danmarks Nationalbank).

2012-2014: Chairman of the Productivity Committee, established by the Danish government.

From 2015: Chairman of the Danish Council on Climate Change, established by the Danish government and Parliament.