Peter Birch Sørensen: Summary CV

Peter Birch Sørensen is Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen and International Research Fellow in the CESifo research network and in the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation. He is a member of the Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters, a former Director of the Economic Policy Research Unit at the University of Copenhagen, a former Executive Vice President of the International Institute of Finance, and former co-editor of the journals International Tax and Public Finance and FinanzArchiv (Public Finance Analysis).  

Peter Birch Sørensen has served on several international and Danish public policy committees and has acted as a consultant on tax policy to the OECD, the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and several national governments. From 2004 to 2010 he was chairman of the Danish Economic Council, an advisory body to the Danish government and parliament, and from 2007 to 2010 he also chaired the Danish Council on Environmental Economics. In 2002-2003 he was a member of the Committee on Tax Reform established by the Norwegian government. In 2010-2011 Peter Birch Sørensen was on leave from the University of Copenhagen to serve as Assistant Governor and Chief Economist of the Danish central bank. In 2012-2014 he was heading the Productivity Committee established by the Danish government, in 2013-2014 he was a member of the Norwegian government committee on corporate tax reform, and in 2014-2015 he was a member of the Norwegian government's Productivity Commission. Since December 2014 he has served as chairman of the Danish Climate Council with the mandate to advise the Danish government and Parliament on climate policy.

Professor Sørensen’s current research focuses on environmental economics and the economics of climate change. He is currently involved in research on the theory and measurement of a country's "green" national product and in the construction of a simulation model of the interaction between the Danish economy and the environment. Much of his previous research has focused on the economics of taxation and tax policy, including issues of capital income taxation, company taxation and international tax competition and tax coordination. He has also studied the effects of tax policy on labour market performance. He is the author of numerous scientific articles in international journals and the co-author of an international textbook on "Growth and Business Cycles - Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics". He was a member of the Mirrlees Review group preparing a report on "Dimensions of Design - Reforming the Tax System for the 21st Century" for the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London (2010).

Peter Birch Sørensen can be reached at the e-mail address: or at the phone number +45 35 32 30 15 or +45 28 14 63 39.


Peter Birch Sørensen: Kort CV

Født 1955,  cand.polit. 1980, lic. polit. 1985.


1980-83: Kandidatstipendiat ved Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut.

1983-85: Adjunkt og senere lektor i økonomi ved den kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole.

1985-1991: Lektor ved Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut.

1991-1995: Professor i Nationaløkonomi ved Copenhagen Business School.

Siden 1995: Professor i Makroøkonomisk Teori og Økonomisk Politik ved Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut.

2010-2011: Vicedirektør og leder af Økonomisk Afdeling, Danmarks Nationalbank (på orlov fra Københavns Universitet)


Fulbright Fellowship, 1981-82

Vinder af Lundbeck Fondens førstepris 1990 for et essay om "Finansiering af de offentlige udgifter i Danmark i 1990’erne"

Vinder af  The 1995 Daeyang Prize in Economics for bedste artikel i tidsskriftet Journal of Economic Integration.

Vinder af pris uddelt af The Finnish Society for Economic Research for den bedste artikel i tidsskriftet Finnish Economic Papers i 2005-2006.

Videnskabelige aktiviteter

Medlem af Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab.

Medstifter og tidligere leder af Center for Forskning i Økonomisk Politik ved Københavns Universitet, støttet af Danmarks Grundforskningsfond i perioden 1993-2005.

Medlem af og tidligere videnskabelig koordinator for det internationale forskningsnetværk CESifo. International Research Fellow ved Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.

Senior Fellow i den uafhængige tænketank Kraka.

Tidligere Vice President og Executive Vice President for International Institute of Public Finance.

Medredaktør af en række internationale økonomiske fagtidsskrifter, medforfatter til den internationale lærebog "Growth and Business Cycles - Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics".

Deltagelse i danske og internationale offentlige udredningsarbejder

Medlem af Det Økonomiske Råds formandskab 1997-99 og igen i perioden 2004-2010, hvor han var formand for formandskabet ("overvismand"). I perioden 2007-2010 var han endvidere formand for formandskabet for Det Miljøøkonomiske Råd.

Har deltaget i en række danske offentlige udredningsarbejder, herunder Udvalget til udredning af arbejdsmarkedets strukturproblemer (1992), Personbeskatningsudvalget (1992) samt Udvalget vedrørende skat og internationalisering (2001). Har derudover fungeret som konsulent for en række andre danske udredningsudvalg.

Har desuden fungeret som rådgiver i skattepolitiske spørgsmål for EU-Kommissionen, OECD, Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF) samt en række udenlandske regeringer, og var bl.a. medlem af den norske regerings skattekommission i 2002-2003.

2012-2014: Formand for Produktivitetskommissionen nedsat af den danske regering.

2013-2014: Medlem af den norske regerings selskabsskatteudvalg. 

2014-2015: Medlem af den norske regerings Produktivitetskommission.

Fra december 2014: Formand for Klimarådet.