Department of Economics | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Copenhagen |
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Papers in
peer-reviewed journals
Gørtz, Mette, Sarah Sander, and Almudena Sevilla (2024): Does the Child Penalty Strike Twice? European Economic Review, Volume 172. WP versions CEBI Working Paper 30/2020. IZA DP 16557.
Gensowski, Miriam, and Mette Gørtz (2024): The Education-Health Gradient: Revisiting the Role of Socio-Emotional Skills. Journal of Health Economics. CEBI Working Paper 04/2023. IZA DP 16300.
Batsaikhan, Mongoljin, Mette Gørtz, John Kennes, Ran Sun Lyng, Daniel Monte and Norovsambuu Tumennasan (2024): Daycare choice and ethnic diversity: Evidence from a Randomized Survey. Journal of Human Resources. CEBI Working Paper 14/2019. IZA DP No. 14874.
Bom, Judith, Pieter Bacx, Eddy Van Doorslaer, Mette Gørtz, and Jonathan Skinner (2023): What explains different rates of nursing home admissions? Comparing the United States to Denmark and the Netherlands. Journal of the Economics of Ageing. 25(100456).
Overbeck, G., Kragstrup, J., Gørtz, M. et al. (2023): Family wellbeing in general practice: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial of the web-based resilience programme on early child development. Trials, 24(7).
Cavalca, Petra Gram, Mette Ejrnæs, and Mette Gørtz (2022): Trading off fiscal budget adherence and child protection. Plos One.
Browning, Martin, Olivier Donni and Mette Gørtz (2021): Do you have time to take a walk together? Private and joint leisure within the household. Economic Journal, 131(635):1051–1080. WP version at CEBI WP 01/2020.
Gensowski, Miriam, Mette Gørtz and Stefanie Schurer (2021): Inequality in Personality over the Life Cycle. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 184:46-77. WP version at CEBI Working Paper 16/2020; IZA DP No. 13378.
Emanuel, Ezekiel J., Emily Gudbranson, Jessica Van Parys, Mette Gørtz, Jon Helgeland, and Jonathan Skinner (2020): Comparing Health Outcomes of Privileged US Citizens With Those of Average Residents of Other Developed Countries. JAMA Internal Medicine.
Wagner, Sander, Diederik Boertien and Mette Gørtz (2020): The Wealth of Parents: Trends over Time in Assortative Mating Based on Parental Wealth. Demography, 57:1809-1831.
Gørtz, Mette, Noel T. Brewer, Peter Reinhard Hansen, and Mette Ejrnæs (2020): The contagious nature of a vaccine scare: How the introduction of HPV vaccination lifted and eroded MMR vaccination in Denmark. Vaccine, 38(28):4432-4439.
Gørtz, Mette, Eva Rye Johansen and Marianne Simonsen (2018): Academic Redshirting, Achievement and the Gender Composition of Preschool Teachers. Labour Economics, 55:241-258. Previous version at IZA DP No. 11913.
French, E., J. McCauley, M. Aragon, P. Bakx, Martin Chalkley, S. Chen, B. J. Christensen, H. Chuang, A. Cote-Sergent, M. De Nardi, D. Echevin E. Fan, P. Geoffard, C. Gastaldi-Ménager, M. Gørtz, Y. Ibuka, N. Izumida, J. B. Jones, M. Kallestrup-Lamb, M. Karlsson, T. Klein, G. de Lagasnerie, P. Michaud, O. O’Donnell, Y. Ohtsu, N. Rice, J. Skinner, E. van Doorslaer N. R. Ziebarth, and E. Kelly (2017): Data from the US and eight other developed countries show that end-of-life medical spending is lower than previously reported. Health Affairs 36(7):1211-1217.
Holm, Anders, Jan Høgelund, Mette Gørtz, Kristin Storck Rasmussen, Helle Sofie Bøje Houlberg (2017): Employment effects of active labor market programs for sick-listed workers. Journal of Health Economics, 52:33-44.
Christensen, Bent Jesper, Mette Gørtz and Malene Kallestrup-Lamb (2016): Medical Spending in Denmark. Fiscal Studies. 37(3-4):461-497. Article part of Fiscal Studies special issue on Medical Spending across the developed World. See IFS video.
Bhatti, Yosef, Mette Gørtz and Lene Holm Pedersen (2015): The causal effect of profound organizational change when job insecurity is low – a quasi-experiment analysing municipal mergers. Journal of Public Administration and Research Theory. 25:1185–1220.
Bauchmüller, Robert, Mette Gørtz and Astrid Würtz Rasmussen (2014): Long-Run Benefits from Universal High-Quality Pre-Schooling. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 29:457-470.
Browning, Martin, Mette Gørtz and Søren Leth-Petersen (2013): Housing Wealth and Consumption: A Micro Panel Study. Economic Journal, 123(568):401-428.
Gørtz, Mette, and Elvira Andersson (2013): Child-to-Teacher Ratio and Daycare Teacher Sickness Absenteeism. Health Economics. Previous version as AKF WP 2010:07.
Browning, Martin and Mette Gørtz
(2012): Spending Time and Money within the Household.
Journal of Economics,
Rotger, Gabriel Pons, Mette Gørtz and David Storey (2012): Assessing the Effectiveness of Guided Preparation for New Venture Creation: Theory and Practice. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(4):506-521. Previous version as AKF WP 2009:18.
Gørtz, Mette (2012): Early Retirement in the Day-Care Sector: The Role of Working Conditions and Health. European Journal of Ageing. 9(3):187-198.
Previous version as
AKF WP 2010:06.
Gørtz, Mette (2011): Home
production – Enjoying the process or the product?
International Journal of Time Use Research.
Papers in Danish peer-reviewed journals
Brixen, Peter,
and Jan
V. Hansen (2000): Kan danske CO2-afgifter udløse en dobbelt
2000:8. Copenhagen.
Contributions to books and anthologies Ejrnæs, Mette, and Mette Gørtz (2017): Anbringelser i tal – hvor mange, hvorfor og hvordan? Chapter 4 in Svendsen, Idamarie Leth (ed.): Den svære beslutning. En antologi om beslutninger om anbringelse af børn og unge – hvornår, hvorfor og hvordan
Ejrnæs, Mette, and Mette Gørtz (2017): Hvilke risikofaktorer er afgørende for beslutningen om anbringelse? Chapter 10 in Svendsen, Idamarie Leth (ed.): Den svære beslutning. En antologi om beslutninger om anbringelse af børn og unge – hvornår, hvorfor og hvordan
Gørtz, Mette, Merete Konnerup and Claus Kastberg Nielsen (2000): Butikkernes åbningstider: Hvad betyder de for forbrugerne? In S.E. Hougaard Jensen (ed.): Økonomi og erhvervspolitik. Handelshøjskolens Forlag, Copenhagen
Gørtz, Mette (1996): Regional Consequences of Environmental Taxes. In Madsen, B., C. Jensen-Butler, J. Birk Mortensen and A.M. Bruun Christensen (ed.): Modelling the Economy and the Environment. Springer Verlag Berlin – Heidelberg
Unpublished working
Andersson, Elvira and Mette Gørtz (2010): Work
Pressure and Day-Care Teacher Turnover.
AKF WP 2010:05.
Gørtz, Mette (2006): Heterogeneity in
preferences and productivity – Implications for retirement.
CAM WP 2006:1.
Gørtz, M.,
G.W. Harrison, C.K. Nielsen and T. Rutherford (2000): Welfare
Gains of Extending Opening Hours in Denmark.
Economics Working Paper
B-00-03. University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of
Business, Columbia, South Carolina
Gørtz, Mette (2006): Leisure, Household
Production, Consumption and Economic Well-being. Ph.D. thesis.
University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics. Publications in Danish
Gørtz, Mette and Torben Pilegaard Jensen
(2007): Læsefærdigheder, arbejdsmarked og indkomst.
AKF WP, 2007:2,
Copenhagen, AKF.
Gørtz, Mette and Torben Pilegaard Jensen
(2007): Læsefærdigheder, arbejdsmarked og indkomst.
AKF WP 2007:2.
Gørtz, Mette; Eskil Heinesen, Leif Husted and
Signe Hald Andersen (2006):
Benchmarkinganalyse af
integrationen i kommunerne målt ved udlændinges selvforsørgelse
1999-2005. Copenhagen, AKF.
Gørtz, M. (1993): Regionale konsekvenser af
CO2-afgiften for erhvervene. SØM Publication No. 2
Larsen, A., J. Mehlbye and M. Gørtz (1991): Kan
genoptræning betale sig? - En analyse af sociale og økonomiske
konsekvenser ved genoptræning af hjerneskadede.
AKF Report.
Miscellaneous papers and policy reports
Text and analyses in
Konkurrenceredegørelse 2002, Ch.9, Statsstøtte – God eller
dårlig erhvervspolitik. (With Christensen, C., and Jervelund,
Konnerup, M., M. Gørtz, A. Hoffmann, C.
Christensen, A.M. Elmer and M. Degn (2001): Samfundsøkonomiske
konsekvenser af hjemmeserviceordningen. Danish Ministry of Trade
and Industry
Konnerup, M., M. Gørtz and A.H. Larsen (2000):
Samfundsøkonomiske konsekvenser af en retshjælpsforsikring for
patenter. Danish Ministry of Trade and Industry, 2000
Hoffmann, A., M. Konnerup, M. Gørtz, A.H.
Larsen, G.W. Harrison, T. Rutherford, Copenhagen Economics, M.
Marcussen, N. Lund and A. Madsen (2000): Regulering af
butikkernes åbningstider.
Danish Ministry of Trade
and Industry
Hoffmann, A., M. Konnerup, M. Gørtz,
A.H. Larsen, N. Lund, A. Madsen (1999): An Analysis of the
Danish Shops Act – Consequences for Shops, Consumers and
Employees. Danish Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Gørtz, M.,
and J.V. Hansen (1999): Regulation of Danish Energy Markets med
Imperfect Competition.
WP 1999:2, Danish Economic Council
Gørtz, M., J.V. Hansen and M. Larsen (1999):
CO2-skatter, dobbelt-dividende og konkurrence i energisektoren:
Anvendelser af den danske AGL-model ECOSMEC. WP 1999:1, Danish
Economic Council
Gørtz, M., J.V. Hansen and M. Larsen (1997):
Forskning og økonomisk udvikling.
WP 1997:4, Danish
Economic Council
Gørtz, M. (1996): Infrastruktur og
produktivitet, WP 1996:5.
Danish Economic Council.