Fall 2014

Errata to lecture notes
(continually updated)

Ch. 6, p. 214, line 7 from below:    "in Section 6.3.1"    should read    "in Section.4.1".
    11/9: some of yesterday's corrections to Section 6.4.1 were not correct and are withdrawn.  As the whole Section 6.4.1 was not well written, here is a new version of Section 6.4.1.
    Section 6.4.2-6.7, old version:
    p. 220, middle of the page:    "is in fact what saw"    should read    "is in fact what we saw".
    p. 222, line 14 from below:    delete "together with (6.3) with DeltaM_t+1 = 0".
    p. 232, line 15 from below:    "More precisely, hug the logic"    should read    "More precisely, the logic".
Ch. 6, p. 212, in the middle:    Delete "The answer is not obvious if by the 'interest rate' is meant the risk-free interest rate."
     p. 212, line 11 from below:    "in the case r > g_Y"    should read    "in the certainty case r > g_Y". 
     p. 216, line 8:    "the net asset position and fiscal stance"    should read    "the net asset position".
     p. 228, in the middle:    "the fiscal stance"    should read    "the fiscal situation".
     p. 231, line 7:    "current spending by taxes"    should read    "current spending by (lump-sum) taxes".
     p. 231, in the middle:    "where r > g_Y and"    should read    "where r > g_Y, credit markets are perfect, and".
           -  , line 6 from below:    "of G_t"    should read    "of G_t and X_t".
     p. 237, line 13:    "C_t = c_1*L_1 + ..."    should read    "C_t = c_1*L_t + ... ".
           -  , footnote 18:    Delete "and the constant interest rate".
     p. 238, line 7, from below:    "Indeed, the national capital stock"    should read    "Indeed, the national wealth".
Ch. 6, p. 219 was (still) not well-written. This version should be clearer.
Ch. 7, p. 269, line 3-6:    The point in this section is wrong. It is overlooked that a rise in g also has an indirect effect, namely through a rise in r_D in (7.38). The sign of the net effect on the RHS of (7.38) of a rise in g can not be established unless the production function and the parameter values are specified.
Ch. 12, p. 463, eq. (12.8):    The identity sign should be an equality sign.
             p. 463, line 16:    The equality sign should be an identity sign.  
             p. 464, line 10:    "c(0,v)"    should read    "c(0,v) = ".
             p. 464, first line after (12.11):    "h(t)"    should read    "h(t,v)".
             p. 465, eq. (12.15):    "h(t)"    should read    "h_bar(t)".   
Ch. 6, p. 233, eq. (6.22):    "= Y_t - "    should read    "= Y_t - r*NFD_t - "    twice!
LN on Uncertainty, expectations, and speculative bubbles, p. 3, line 6 from below:    Delete "absolute value of beta_1 < 1".
Ch. 16, p. 652, line 9:    "on alternative asset,"    should read    "on alternative assets,".
Ch. 19, p. 726, line 13 from below:    "is P. the wage rate"    should read    "is P. And the wage rate".
      -          -    , line 3 from below:    "We assume that the only"    should read    "We assume that the output good is perishable and can therefore not be stored. The only".
18/11 and 4/12
Ch. 19, p. 735, line 1 from below:    Delete "at the going price".
    -    p. 752-53:    Three places there is a reference to (30.1). This should be (19.31).
    -    p. 769, line 7 from below:    "the determinant, .,"    should    "the determinant, Δ,".
    -    p. 777, line 3 from below:    "the budget deficit"    should read    "the primary budget deficit".
    -    p. 779, at the middle:    "in view of (??)"    should read    "as given in (19.66)".
    -    p. 782, at the middle:    "So ()"    should read    "So (19.73)".  
Ch. 20, p. 810, n. 11, line 1:    "Federal Funds Rate Target"    should read     "Federal Funds Rate".
Short Note 4, p. 2, line 6 from below:    "IC-BL model"    should read    "IS-BL" model.
    -    -    -   , p. 2, line 6 from below:   "is given by"    should read    "is endogenous and equals".
    -    -    -   , p. 7, figure 2:    "Pi < 0" and "Pi > 0"    should read    "Pi_dot < 0" and "Pi_dot > 0", respectively.  
    -    -    -   , p. 11, figure 3:    "Pi < 0" and "Pi > 0"    should read    "Pi_dot < 0" and "Pi_dot > 0", respectively.
    -    -    -   , p. 17-18, figure 6, 7, and 8:    On top of the vertical axis "Pi" should be replaced by "Pi-dot".
Ch. 30, p. 1085 (similar problem in Ch. 29, p. 1053):    The introduction of U_tilde is a detour. A better way to proceed is described here.