Department of Economics | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Copenhagen | DERG


... Publications...



I strive to make my publications freely available.
In case you have any difficulties in accessing a publication please email me:


a. Journal Articles
b. Book Chapters and Encyclopaedic Articles
c. Books, Anthologies, and Special Journal Issues
d. Academic Reviews


a. Journal Articles (Research and Dissemination)
b. Book Chapters and Encyclopaedic Articles
c. Books, Anthologies, and Special Journal Issues
d. Research Reports
e. Publications, Studies, and Reports Not Classified Elsewhere

f.  Policy Briefs




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a. Journal Articles


‘Stochastic Dominance Testing of Poverty in Mozambique’. Published online in Journal of Social and Economic Development. With V. Salvucci.
‘Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 in Mozambique in 2020’. Published online in The European Journal of Development Research. With V. Salvucci.
‘Crises, Prices, and Poverty – An Analysis Based on the Mozambican Household Budget Surveys 1996/97–2019/20’. Food Policy, vol. 125, 2024. With V. Salvucci.
‘Commodity Price Volatility and the Psychological Wellbeing of Farmers’. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 106(2), 2024. With S. Singhal.
‘Imports, Supply Chains and Firm Productivity’. World Development, vol. 172, 2023. With C. Newman and J. Rand.
'Good Business Practices Improve Productivity in Myanmar’s Manufacturing Sector'. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 59(8), 2023. With P. Falco, H. Hansen, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
'Income Inequality and Redistribution in Sub-Saharan Africa'. Journal of African Economies, vol. 32(2), 2023. With M. Nino-Zarazua, F. Scaturro and V. Jorda.
‘Economic and Environmental Upgrading After a Policy Reform: The Case of Timber Value Chain in Myanmar’. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 99, 2023. J. Rand, P. Castro Rodriguez and N. Trifkovic.
‘Evolution of Multidimensional Poverty in Crisis-Ridden Mozambique’. Social Indicators Research, vol. 166, 2023. With E-M. Egger and V. Salvucci.
‘Changing Male Perceptions of Gender Equality: Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial Study’. World Development, vol. 158, 2022. With C. Viet Nguyen.
‘Informality and Firm Performance in Myanmar’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 58(7), 2022, pp. 1363-82. With H. Berkel.
‘Commodity Price Fluctuations and Child Malnutrition’. World Development, vol. 158, 2022. With T.J. Mekasha, K. Molla and J. Aikaeli.
‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumption Poverty in Mozambique’. Journal of International Development, vol. 34(4), 2022. With G. Barletta, F. Castigo, E-M. Egger, M. Keller and V. Salvucci.
‘The Macroeconomic Impact of COVID-19 in Mozambique: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach’. Journal of International Development, vol. 34(4), 2022. With R. Betho, M. Chelengo, S. Jones, M. Keller, I.H. Mussagy and D. van Seventer.
‘On the Impact of Inequality on Growth, Human Development, and Governance’. International Studies Review, vol. 24(1), 2022. With I. Ferreira and R. Gisselquist.
‘On the Link Between Managerial Attributes and Firm Access to Formal Credit in Myanmar’. European Journal of Development Research, vol. 33, 2021, pp. 1768–94. With H. Hansen, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
RDS ‘Poverty and Vulnerability Transitions in Myanmar: An Analysis Using Synthetic Panels’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 25(4), 2021, pp. 1919-44. With I. Ferreira and V. Salvucci.
RDS ‘Poverty and Vulnerability in Mozambique: An Analysis of Dynamics and Correlates in Light of the Covid-19 Crisis Using Synthetic Panels’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 25(4), 2021, pp. 1895-918. With V. Salvucci.
RDS ‘Understanding Poverty Dynamics in Ethiopia: Implications for the Likely Impact of COVID-19’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 25(4), 2021, pp. 1838-68. With T. Mekasha.
RDS ‘Poverty, Vulnerability and Covid-19: Introduction and Overview’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 25(4), 2021, pp. 1797-802. With P. Lanjouw.
‘Inequality, Institutions and Cooperation’. European Economic Review, vol. 138, 2021. With T. Markussen, S. Sharma and S. Singhal.
‘Corruption and mental health: Evidence from Vietnam’. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 185, 2021, pp. 125-37. With S. Sharma and S. Singhal.
‘Rural-Urban Migration, Urbanisation and Unemployment: The Case of Tanzania Mainland’. African Journal of Economic Review, vol. IX(I), 2021, pp. 87-108.
‘Introduction to Income Inequalities and Redistribution in China’. China Economic Review, vol. 62, 2020.
‘Multidimensional Poverty of Children in Mozambique’. Child Indicators Research, vol. 13, 2020, pp. 1675-700. With K. Mahrt, A. Rossi and V. Salvucci.
‘Shocks and Agricultural Investment Decisions’. Food Policy, vol. 94, 2020. With C. Newman.
‘Introduction to Understanding Agricultural Development and Change: Learning from Vietnam’. Food Policy, vol. 94, 2020. With C. Newman and S. Singhal.
‘Corporate Social Responsibility in a Competitive Business Environment’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 56(8), 2020, pp. 1455-72. With C. Newman, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
Linked-In by FDI: The Role of Firm-Level Relationships for Knowledge Transfers in Africa and Asia. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 56(3), 2020, pp. 451-68. With C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles and M. Soderbom.
‘Can the Internet Improve Agricultural Production? Evidence from Viet Nam’. Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50(6), 2019, pp. 675-91. With H. Kaila.
Public Economics and Development Action: An Introduction to a Special Issue in International Tax and Public Finance. International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 26(5), 2019, pp. 967-71. With J. Pirttila.
Migration Governance and Policy in the Global South: Introduction and Overview. International Migration, vol. 57(4), 2019, pp. 247-53. With R. Gisselquist.
A Meta-Analysis of Aid Effectiveness: Revisiting the Evidence. Politics and Governance, vol. 7(2), 2019, pp. 5-28. With T.J. Mekasha.
Aid Impact and Effectiveness: Introduction and Overview. Politics and Governance, vol. 7(2), 2019, pp. 1-4. With R. Gisselquist.
Gender Inequality in Employment in Mozambique. South African Journal of Economics, vol. 87(2), 2019, pp. 180-99. With C. Gradin.
Investigating Growing Inequality in Mozambique. South African Journal of Economics, vol. 87(2), 2019, pp. 110-38. With C. Gradin.
Introduction to Special Issue on: Inequalities in the Least Developed Countries - Some Lessons from Africa. South African Journal of Economics, vol. 87(2), 2019, pp. 87-90. With C. Gradin.
Climate Change and Developing Country Growth: The Cases of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. Climatic Change, vol. 154(3-4), 2019, pp. 335-49. With C. Arndt, P. Chinowsky, C. Fant, S. Paltsev, C. A. Schlosser, K. Strzepek and J. Thurlow.
Commodity Prices and Intra-Household Labor Allocation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 101(2), 2019, pp. 436-54. With U. Beck and S. Singhal.
RDS Female Autonomy and Women's Welfare: An Introduction. Review of Development Economics, vol. 22(4), 2018, pp. 1385-9. With S. Sharma.
The Happy Farmer: Self-Employment and Subjective Well-Being in Rural Vietnam. Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 19(6), 2018, pp.1613-36. With T. Markussen, M. Fibaek and Nguyen Do Anh Tuan.
Does Managerial Personality Matter? Evidence from Firms in Vietnam. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 150, 2018, pp. 432-45. With S. Sharma.
A Human Rights-Consistent Approach to Multidimensional Welfare Measurement Applied to Sub-Saharan Africa. World Development, vol. 108, 2018, pp. 181-96. With C. Arndt, K. Mahrt and M. A. Hussain.
How Polarized is the Global Income Distribution? Economic Letters, vol. 167, 2018, pp. 86-9. With L. Roope and M. Nino-Zarazua.
The Transmission of Socially Responsible Behaviour through International Trade. European Economic Review, vol. 101, 2018, pp. 250-67. With C. Newman, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
Global Inequality: Relatively Lower, Absolutely Higher’. Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 63(4), 2017, pp. 661-84. With M. Nino-Zarazua and L. Roope.
Inequality: Measurement, Trends, Impacts, and Policies. Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 63(4), 2017, pp. 603-7. With T. Addison and J. Pirttila.
‘The Macroeconomics of Aid: Overview. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53(7), 2017, pp. 987-97. With T. Addison and O. Morrissey.
The Real Exchange Rate, Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanisms in Tanzania and Ghana’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53(7), 2017, pp. 1075-1103. With K. Juselius and A. Reshid.
RDS Aid, Environment and Climate Change. Review of Development Economics, vol. 21(2), 2017, pp.285-303. With T. Addison and J. Pirttila.
Structural Transformation, Biased Technological Change, and Employment in Vietnam. European Journal of Development Research, vol. 29(1), 2017, pp. 54-72. With P. Abbott and C. Wu.
Exporting and Productivity: Learning from Vietnam’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 26(1), 2017, pp. 67-92. With C. Newman, J. Rand and Nguyen Thi Tue Anh.
‘Learning by Exporting: The Case of Mozambican Manufacturing’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 26(1), 2017, pp.93-118. With A. Cruz, C. Newman and J. Rand.
What is the Aggregate Economic Rate of Return to Foreign Aid? World Bank Economic Review, vol. 30(3), 2016, pp. 446-74. With C. Arndt and S. Jones.
Measuring Industry Coagglomeration and Identifying the Driving Forces. Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 16(5), 2016, pp. 1055-78. With E. Howard and C. Newman.
Ordinal Bivariate Inequality: Concepts and Application to Child Deprivation in Mozambique’. Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 62(3), 2016, pp. 559-73. With C. Sonne-Schmidt and L. P. Osterdal.
Aid for Gender Equality and Development: Lessons and Challenges. Journal of International Development, vol. 28(3), 2016, pp. 311-9. With T. Addison and C. Grown.
Poverty Mapping Based on First-Order Dominance with an Example from Mozambique. Journal of International Development, vol. 28(1), 2016, pp. 3-21. With C. Arndt, A. M. Hussain, V. Salvucci and L. P. Osterdal.
Does Foreign Aid Harm Political Institutions?. Journal of Development Economics, vol. 118, 2016, pp. 266-81. With S. Jones.
Response to Professor Stephen Jenkins' comments on the World Income Inequality Database (WIID). The Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 13(4), 2015, pp. 679-82. With N. Badgaiyan and J. Pirttila.
‘Aid, Social Policy, and Development’. Journal of International Development, vol. 27, issue 8, 2015, pp. 1351-65 . With T. Addison and M. Nino-Zarazua.
‘Aid, Growth and Employment in Africa’. African Development Review, vol. 27, Issue S1, 2015, pp. 1-4. With S. Jones, J. Page and A. Shimeles.
‘Priorities for Boosting Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Mozambique’. African Development Review, vol. 27, Issue S1, 2015, pp. 56-70. With S. Jones.
Rejoinder to Herzer, Mowak-Lehmann, Dreher, Klasen, and Martinez-Zarzoso (2014). World Development, vol. 70, 2015, pp. 397-9. With M. Lof and T.J. Mekasha.
‘Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations: Lessons Learned from the Greater Zambezi River Valley and Beyond’. Climatic Change, vol. 130, 2015, pp. 1-8. With C. Arndt.
‘Weather Shocks and Cropland Decisions in Rural Mozambique’. Food Policy, vol. 53, 2015, pp. 9-21. With C. Salazar-Espinoza and S. Jones.
‘The Economic Costs of Climate Change: A Multi-Sector Impact Assessment for Vietnam’. Sustainability, vol. 7(4), 2015, pp. 4131-45. With C. Arndt and J. Thurlow.
Technology Transfers, Foreign Investment and Productivity Spillovers. European Economic Review, vol. 76, 2015, pp. 168- 87. With C. Newman, J. Rand and T. Talbot.
‘Aid and Income: Another Time Series Perspective’. World Development, vol. 69, 2015, pp. 19-30. With M. Lof and T.J. Mekasha.
WORLD DEVELOPMNET ‘Assessing Foreign Aid's Long Run Contribution to Growth and Development’. World Development, vol. 69, 2015, pp. 6-18. With C. Arndt and S. Jones.
‘Aid Policy and the Macroeconomic Management of Aid’. World Development, vol. 69, 2015, pp. 1-5. With T. Addison.
Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam. Land Economics, vol. 91(1), 2015, pp. 91-105. With C. Newman and K. van den Broeck.
‘Is the Clean Development Mechanism Effective for Emission Reductions?’ Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, vol. 4(6), 2014, pp. 750-60. With Yongfu Huang and Jingjing He.
Transmission of World Prices to the Vietnamese Economy. Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 29(4), 2014, pp. 624-56. With P. Abbott and Ce Wu.
‘Has the Clean Development Mechanism assisted Sustainable Development?’ Natural Resources Forum, vol. 38(4), 2014, pp. 248-60. With Jingjing He and Yongfu Huang.
‘Political Connections and Land-related Investment in Rural Vietnam’. Journal of Development Economics, vol. 110, 2014, pp. 291-302. With T. Markussen.
‘Corruption and the Efficiency of Capital Investment in Developing Countries’. Journal of International Development, vol. 26(5), 2014, pp. 567-97. With C. M. O'Toole.
OBES ‘The Long-Run Impact of Foreign Aid in 36 African Countries: Insights from Multivariate Time Series Analysis. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 76(2), 2014, pp. 153-84. With K. Juselius and N. F. Moller.
‘Social Capital, Network Effects, and Savings in Rural Vietnam’. Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 60(1), 2014, pp. 79-99. With C. Newman and K. van den Broeck.
World Bank Economic Review ‘Industry Switching in Developing Countries’. World Bank Economic Reviewvol. 27(2), 2013, pp. 357-88. With C. Newman and J. Rand.
JDS ‘Aid and Growth: What Meta-Analysis Reveals’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 49(4), 2013, pp. 564-83. With T. J. Mekasha.
‘Poverty Reduction and Economic Structure: Comparative Path Analysis for Mozambique and Vietnam’. Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 58(4), 2012, pp. 742-63. With C. Arndt, A. F. Garcia, and J. Thurlow.
RDS ‘Economic Development under Climate Change’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 16(3), 2012, pp. 369-77. With C. Arndt, P. Chinowsky, S. Robinson, K. Strzepek and J. Thurlow.
‘Explaining Poverty Evolution: The Case of Mozambique’. American Journal of Agricultural Economicsvol 94(4), 2012, pp. 854–72. With C. Arndt, M. A Hussain, S. Jones, V. Nhate, and J. Thurlow.
PAD ‘The Political Economy of Green Growth: Cases from Southern Africa’. Public Administration and Development, vol. 32, 2012, pp. 215-28. With D. Resnick and J. Thurlow.
Journal Cover ‘Firm-Level Corruption in Vietnam’. Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 60(3), 2012, pp. 571-95. With J. Rand.
‘Globalization Crises, Trade and Development in Vietnam’. Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, vol. 3(1), 2012, 23 pages. With P. Abbott.
‘The Finance-Growth Thesis: A Sceptical Assessment’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 21, AERC Supplement 1, 2012, pp. i57–i88. With T.B. Andersen and S. Jones.
‘Finance and Economic Development in Africa: Introduction and Overview’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 21, AERC Supplement 1, 2012, pp. i3–i9. With O. Ajakaiye.
‘The Triple Crisis and the Global Aid Architecture’. African Development Reviewvol. 23(4), 2011, pp. 461-78. With C. Arndt and T. Addison.
‘The Impact of the Global Commodity and Financial Crises on Poverty in Vietnam’. Journal of Globalization and Development, vol. 2(1), article 6, 29 pages, 2011. With J. Thurlow, S. McCoy, N. M. Hai, C. Breisinger and C. Arndt.
‘The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam’. World Development, Vol. 39(5), 2011, pp. 839-50. With T. Markussen and Katleen Van den Broeck.
Adapting to Climate Change: An Integrated Biophysical and Economic Assessment for Mozambique. Sustainability Science, Vol. 6(1), 2011, pp. 7-20. With C. ArndtK. StrzepeckJ. ThurlowC. Fant, and L. Wright.
‘Does Gender Influence Fringe Benefits Provision? Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs’. Feminist Economics, vol. 17(1), 2011, pp. 59-87. With J. Rand.
‘Aid, Growth, and Development: Have We Come Full Circle?’ Journal of Globalization and Development, vol. 1(2), article 5, 27 pages, 2010. With C. Arndt and S. Jones.
‘Measuring Agricultural Policy Bias: General Equilibrium Analysis of Fifteen Developing Countries’. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 92(4), 2010, pp. 1136-48. With H. T. Jensen and S. Robinson.
Environment and Development Economics ‘Biofuels, Poverty, and Growth: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Mozambique’. Environment and Development Economics, vol. 15(1), 2010, pp. 81-105. With C. Arndt, R. Benfica, J. Thurlow and R. Uaiene.
‘IMF and Economic Reform in Developing Countries’. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 50, 2010, pp. 17-26. With P. Abbott and T. B. Andersen.
‘Credit Demand in Mozambican Manufacturing’. Journal of International Development, vol. 22(1), 2010, pp. 37-55. With B. ByiersJ. Rand and J. Bentzen.
‘Impact of an Aquaculture Extension Project in Bangladesh’. Journal of Development Effectiveness, vol. 1(2), 2009, pp. 130-46. With J. Rand.
‘Enterprise Growth and Survival in Vietnam: Does Government Support Matter?’ Journal of Development Studies, vol. 45(7), 2009, pp. 1048-69. With H. Hansen and J. Rand.
‘Trade and Development: Lessons from Vietnam’s Past Trade Agreements’. World Development, vol. 37(2), 2009, pp. 341-53. With P. Abbott and J. Bentzen.
‘Trade Policy Reform and the Missing Revenue’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 17(1), 2008, pp. 131-60. With C. Arndt.
‘Formal and Informal Rural Credit in Four Provinces of Vietnam’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 44(4), 2008, pp. 485-503. With M. Barslund.
‘SME Access to Credit’. Vietnam Economic Management Review, vol. 3(2), 2008, pp. 49-55. With J. Rand, Tran Tien Cuong and Nguyen Thanh Tam.
‘Land Use Rights and Productivity: Insights from a 2006 Rural Household Survey’. Vietnam Economic Management Review, vol. 3(2), 2008, pp. 66-71. With K. Van den BroeckC. Newman, Chu Tien Quang and Luu Duc Khai.
‘Household Savings in Vietnam: Insights from a 2006 Rural Household Survey’. Vietnam Economic Management Review, vol. 3(1), 2008, pp. 34-40. With C. Newman, K. van den Broeck, Chu Tien Quang and Luu Duc Khai.
‘SME Fringe Benefits Provision’. Vietnam Economic Management Review, vol. 3(1), 2008, pp. 53-60. With J. Rand, Tran Tien Cuong and Nguyen Thanh Tam.
‘Understanding Victimization: The case of Mozambique’. World Development, vol. 35(7), 2007, pp. 1237-58. With M. BarslundJ. Rand and J. Chiconela.
‘Aid and Development’. Swedish Economic Policy Review, vol. 13(2), 2006, pp. 9-61.
‘Trade Reform and Gender in Mozambique’. Nordic Journal of Political Economy, vol. 32(1), 2006, pp. 73-90. With C. Arndt and S. Robinson.
‘On US Politics and IMF Lending’. European Economic Review, vol. 50(7), 2006, pp. 1843-62. With T. B. Andersen and T. Harr.
Link to Journal of Policy Modeling ‘A Bank-Fund Projection Framework with CGE Features’. Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 28(2), 2006, pp. 103-32. With H.T. Jensen.
RDS ‘Trade Liberalisation and Spatial Inequality: A Methodological Innovation in Vietnamese Perspective’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 9(1), 2005, pp. 69-86. With H. T. Jensen.
‘On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy: Insights from CGE Modelling of the Mozambican Economy’. Journal of African Economies, vol. 13(3), 2004, pp. 446-78. With H.T. Jensen.
‘On the Empirics of Foreign Aid and Growth’. The Economic Journal, vol. 114(496), 2004, pp. F191-FF216. With C.-J. Dalgaard and H. Hansen.
‘Foreign Aid in Perspective’. Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, vol. 141(2), 2003, pp. 164-86 (in Danish).
‘Financial Liberalization, Financial Development, and Economic Growth in LDCs’. Journal of International Development, vol. 15(2), 2003, pp. 189-208. With T. B. Andersen.
‘Economic Structure and Development in An Emergent Asian Economy: Evidence from a Social Accounting Matrix of Vietnam’. Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 13(6), 2003, pp. 847-71. With D. Roland-Holst and J. Rand.
‘Child Health, and Mortality in Guinea-Bissau: Does Health Knowledge Matter?’ Journal of African Economies, vol. 11(4), 2002, pp. 542-60. With J. Kovsted and C. Portner.
‘The Robustness of Poverty Profiles Reconsidered’. Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 51(1), 2002, pp. 77-108. With K. Simler, C. Matusse, R. Heltberg, and G. Dava.
‘Business Cycles in Developing Countries: Are They Different?’ World Development, vol. 30(12), 2002, pp. 2071-88. With J. Rand.
‘CGE Modelling and Trade Policy: Reassessing the Agricultural Bias’. Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 53(2), 2002, pp. 383-405. With H. T. Jensen.
‘Trade and Income Growth in Vietnam: Estimates from a New Social Accounting Matrix’. Economic Systems Research, vol. 14(2), 2002, pp. 157-84. With D. Roland-Holst and J. Rand.
‘Agricultural Supply Response and Poverty in Mozambique’. Food Policy, vol. 27(2), 2002, pp. 103-24. With R. Heltberg.
‘Parameter Estimation for a Computable General Equilibrium Model: A Maximum Entropy Approach’. Economic Modelling, vol. 19 (3), 2002, pp. 375-98. With C. Arndt and S. Robinson.
‘Grain Transport and Rural Credit in Mozambique: Solving The Space-time Problem’. Agricultural Economics, vol. 25(1), 2001, pp. 59-70. With C. Arndt and R. Schiller.
‘Who Gets the Goods: A General Equilibrium Perspective on Food Aid in Mozambique’. Food Policy, vol. 26(2), 2001, pp. 107-19. With C. Arndt.
‘Aid and Growth Regressions’. Journal of Development Economics, vol. 64(2), 2001, pp. 547-70. With H. Hansen.
RDS ‘Policy Bias and Agriculture: Partial and General Equilibrium Measures’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 5(1), 2001, pp. 89-104. With R. M. Bautista, S. Robinson, and P. Wobst.
‘Marketing Margins and Agricultural Technology in Mozambique’. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 37(1), 2000, pp. 121-37. With C. ArndtH. T. Jensen and S. Robinson.
RDS ‘Structural Characteristics of the Economy of Mozambique: A SAM-Based Analysis’. Review of Development Economics, vol. 4(3), 2000, pp. 292-306. With C. Arndt and H. T. Jensen.
‘Agricultural Technology, Risk, and Gender: A CGE Analysis of Mozambique’. World Development, vol. 28(7), 2000, pp. 1307-26. With C. Arndt.
‘Aid Effectiveness Disputed’. Journal of International Development, vol. 12(3), 2000, pp. 375-98. With H. Hansen.
‘Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Mozambique: An Appraisal’. Journal of International Development, vol. 12(3), 2000, pp. 299-323. With C. Arndt and H. T. Jensen.
‘Danish Balance of Payments Support’. IDS Bulletin, vol. 27(4), 1996, pp. 49-58. With M. Vazcy Kragh.
‘South Africa: Macroeconomic Perspectives for the Medium-Term’. World Development, vol. 24(6), 1996, pp. 989-1001. With P. Brixen.
‘Project Analysis in Development Assistance’. Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, vol. 130(2), 1992, pp. 255-63 (in Danish).
‘Prices in Mozambican Agriculture’. Journal of International Development, vol. 2(2), 1990, pp. 172-208.
‘Agrarian Transformation in Mozambique’. Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, no. 1/2, 1984, pp. 1-28.
‘Growth and Income Distribution in Developing Countries’Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, vol. 119(1), 1981, pp. 32-46 (in Danish).



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b. Book Chapters and Encyclopaedic Articles


‘A Country at a Fork in the Road’. Chapter 12 (pp. 301-50) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With A. Cruz, I. Ferreira and J. Flento.
‘The Saga and Limits of Public Financial Management’. Chapter 8 (pp. 185-212) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and M. Umarji.
‘The Relative Neglect of Agriculture’. Chapter 4 (pp. 85-113) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With J. Carrilho, I. Ferreira and R. Ribeiro.
‘Institutional Performance: Perceptions of Institutional Constraints - Quantitative and Qualitative Insights’. Chapter 3 (pp. 41-82) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With A. Cruz, I. Ferreira and J. Flento.
‘Economic Development in Perspective’. Chapter 2 (pp. 8-40) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento, S. Jones and F. Tarp.
‘Introduction and overview’. Chapter 1 (pp. 3-7) in A. Cruz, I. Ferreira, J. Flento and F. Tarp (eds.) Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. With I. Ferreira.
‘Poverty, Inequality and Growth: Trends, Policies and Controversies’. Published online in K.F. Zimmermann (ed.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. With I. Ferreira and V. Salvucci.
‘Synthesis and Policy Implications’. Chapter 13 (pp. 321-37) in C. Gradin, M. Leibbrandt and F. Tarp (eds.) Inequality in the Developing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. With C. Gradin and M. Leibbrandt.
‘China: Structural Change, Transition, Rent Seeking and Corruption, and Government Policy’. Chapter 6 (pp. 133-56) in C. Gradin, M. Leibbrandt and F. Tarp (eds.) Inequality in the Developing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. With S. Li and T. Sicular.
‘Setting the Scene’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-13) in C. Gradin, M. Leibbrandt and F. Tarp (eds.) Inequality in the Developing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. With C. Gradin and M. Leibbrandt.
‘Implications for Public Policy’. Chapter 20 (pp. 449-71) in J. Page and F. Tarp (eds.) Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. With J. Page.
‘Overview’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-23) in J. Page and F. Tarp (eds.) Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. With J. Page.
‘Conclusion’. Chapter 12 (pp. 253-8) in J. Rand and F. Tarp (eds.) Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. With J. Rand.
‘The Viet Nam SME Data 2005-15’. Chapter 2 (pp. 14-38) in J. Rand and F. Tarp (eds.) Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. With H. Berkel, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
‘Introduction’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-13) in J. Rand and F. Tarp (eds.) Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. With J. Rand.
'Vietnam'. Chapter 18 (pp. 450-73) in D. Nayyar (ed.) Asian Transformations: An Inquiry into the Development of Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Development and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter 5 in Y. Zheng and J. Qian (eds.) Development and Poverty Reduction: A Global Comparative Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, 2019. With T. Addison, V. Pikkarainen and R. Ronkko.
‘Growth and Structural Transformation in Viet Nam: The Real Story Beneath. Chapter 22 (pp. 513-30) in C. Monga and J. Lin (eds.) Handbook of Structural Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. With Dang Thi Thu Hoai and D. van Seventer.
Poverty and Wellbeing Evolution in Mozambique 1999/97-2014/15. Part III (pp. 309-22) in L. de Brito, C. N. Castel-Branco, S. Chichava, S. Forquilha and A. Francisco (eds.) Challenges for Mozambique 2018. Maputo: IESE, 2018. With C. Arndt, F. Castigo, M. Ibraimo, S. Jones, K. Mahrt, V. Salvucci and R. Santos (in Portuguese).
Widening the Options: Implications for Public Policy. Chapter 20 (pp. 411-28) in R. Newfarmer, J. Page and F. Tarp (eds.) Industries Without Smokestacks: Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. With R. Newfarmer and J. Page.
Industries Without Smokestacks and Structural Transformation in Africa: Overview. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-26) in R. Newfarmer, J. Page and F. Tarp (eds.) Industries Without Smokestacks: Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. With R. Newfarmer and J. Page.
Multidimensional Nutritional Welfare of Children in Southern Africa: A Human Rights Consistent Approach. Chapter 8 (pp. 84-92) in H. K. Biesalski and R. Birner (eds.) Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition Quality. Basel: Karger, 2018. With C. Arndt, K. Mahrt and V. Salvucci.
Introduction and Synthesis. Chapter 1 (pp. 3-15) in D. Arendt, C. Arndt, M. Miller, O. Zinaman and F. Tarp (eds.) The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With D. Arendt, C. Arndt, M. Miller and O. Zinaman.
Moving Forward. Chapter 29 (pp. 569-76) in D. Arendt, C. Arndt, M. Miller, O. Zinaman and F. Tarp (eds.) The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With D. Arendt, C. Arndt, M. Miller and O. Zinaman.
Overview and Insights. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-20) in J. Page and F. Tarp (eds.) The Practice of Industrial Policy: Government-Business Coordination in Africa and East Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With J. Page.
Lessons Learnt and Policy Implications. Chapter 14 (pp. 279-94) in F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Published also in Vietnamese.
Welfare Dynamics: 2006-14. Chapter 10 (pp. 205-21) in F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With A. McKay. Published also in Vietnamese.
Characteristics of the VARHS Data and Other Data Sources. Chapter 2 (pp. 26-50) in F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With K. Brandt. Published also in Vietnamese.
Viet Nam: Setting the Scene. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-25) in F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 Published also in Vietnamese.
‘Growth and Poverty: A Pragmatic Assessment and Future Prospects. Chapter 9 (pp. 190-213) in C. S. Adam, P. Collier and B. Ndulu (eds.) Tanzania: The Path to Prosperity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt, V. Leyaro and K. Mahrt.
‘Conclusions and Looking Forward’. Chapter 18 (pp. 297-304) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt.
‘Synthesis’. Chapter 16 (pp. 269-73) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt and K. Mahrt.
‘Multidimensional Assessment of Child Welfare for Tanzania’. Chapter 14 (pp. 215 -41) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt, V. Leyaro and K. Mahrt.
‘A Review of Consumption Poverty Estimation for Mozambique’. Chapter 8 (pp. 108- 20) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt, S. Jones and V. Salvucci.
‘Absolute Poverty Lines’. Chapter 2 (pp. 10-23) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt and K. Mahrt.
Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Motivation and Overview’. Chapter 1 (pp. 3-9) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. With C. Arndt.
‘Mozambique: Jobs and Welfare in an Agrarian Economy’. Chapter 2 (pp. 20-61) in G. Betcherman and M. Rama (eds.) Jobs and Development: Challenges and Solutions in Different Country Settings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With S. Jones.
Bribes and Taxes: Spatially Concentrated or Randomly Distributed? Evidence from Three Sources of Firm Level Data in Vietnam. Chapter 10 (pp. 129-43) in I. Scott and T. Gong (eds.) Handbook on Corruption in Asia. London and New York: Routledge, 2016. With J. Rand.
‘The Pursuit of Long-Run Economic Growth in Africa: An Overview and Key Challenges’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-36) in H. Bhorat and F. Tarp (eds.) Africa's Lions: Growth Traps and Opportunities for Six African Economies. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2016. With H. Bhorat.
Mozambique: Growth Experience through an Employment Lens’. Chapter 5 (pp. 145-80) in H. Bhorat and F. Tarp (eds.) Africa's Lions: Growth Traps and Opportunities for Six African Economies. Washington D. C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2016. With S. Jones.
‘Can Africa Industrialize?’ Chapter 13 (pp. 257-76) in C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles, M. Soderbom and F. Tarp (eds.) Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles and M. Soderbom.
The Pursuit of Industry: Policies and Outcomes’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-23) in C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles, M. Soderbom and F. Tarp (eds.) Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles and M. Soderbom.
‘Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania’. Chapter 11 (pp. 238-62) in C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.) Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Arndt, L. Demery and A. McKay.
‘Mozambique: Off Track or Temporarily Sidelined? Chapter 9 (pp. 190-217) in C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.) Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Arndt and S. Jones.
‘Ghana: Poverty Reduction over Thirty Years’. Chapter 4 (pp. 69-88) in C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.) Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With A. McKay and J. Pirttila.
‘Synthesis: Two Cheers for African Renaissance (but not Three)’. Chapter 2 (pp. 11-39) in C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.) Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Arndt and A. McKay.
‘Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-10) in C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.) Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. With C. Arndt and A. McKay.
Lessons for Japanese Foreign Aid from Research on Aid's Impact. Chapter 18 (pp. 295-309) in H. Kato, J. Page and Y. Shimomura (eds.) Japan’s Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. With T. Addison.
Aid to Africa: The Changing Context. Chapter 38 (pp. 698-710) in J. Lin and C. Monga (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics, Volume II: Policies and Practices. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. With T. Addison and S. Singhal.
‘Distributional Impacts of the 2008 Global Food Price Spike in Vietnam’. Chapter 16 (pp. 373-92) in D. Sahn (ed.) New Directions in the Fight Against Hunger and Malnutrition: The Role of Food, Agriculture, and Targeted Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. With A. McKay.
Aid Effectiveness’. Chapter 2 (pp. 16-37) iM. Ndulu and N. van de Walle (eds.) Problems, Promises, and Paradoxes of Aid: Africa’s Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. With C. Arndt and S. Jones.
‘Aid and Growth in Africa’. Chapter 11 iA. Sumner and T. Kirk (eds.) The Donors' Dilemma: Emergence and the Future of Foreign Aid. Global Policy, 2014. With T. Addison.
‘Access to Land: Market and Non-market Land Transactions in Rural Vietnam’. Chapter 7 (pp. 162-86) in S. Holden, K. Otsuka, and K. Deininger (eds.) Land Tenure Reforms in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. With Luu Duc Khai, T. Markussen and S. McCoy.
The Political Economy of Green Growth The Political Economy of Green Growth: Food, Fuel and Electricity in Southern Africa’. Chapter 4 (pp. 71-93) in J. A. Puppim de Oliveira (ed.) Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Views from Different Angles. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2012. With D. Resnick and J. Thurlow.
The Triple Crisis and the Global Aid Architecture. Chapter 16 in R. Labonte, K. Mohindra, T. Schrecker and K. Stoebenau (eds.) Global Health, Volume IV: Global Health Ethics, Public Policy and Challenges for the Future. London: Sage, 2011. With T. Addison and C. Arndt.
image icon  ‘Foreign Aid and Development’. In B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser, and L. Morlino (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political Science. London: Sage, 2011.
‘Aid, Growth, and Development’. Chapter 2 (pp. 20-53) in G. Mavrotas (ed.) Foreign Aid for Development: Issues, Challenges and the New Agenda. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
VAT and Economy-wide Modelling’. Chapter 17 (pp. 328-40) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Taxation in a Low-Income Economy: the Case of Mozambique. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. With C. Arndt, B. Byiers and S. Robinson.
Trade Policy Reform and the Missing Revenue’. Chapter 13 (pp. 251-70) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Taxation in a Low-Income Economy: the Case of Mozambique. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. With C. Arndt.
Introduction and Overview’. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-10) in C. Arndt and F. Tarp (eds.) Taxation in a Low-Income Economy: the Case of Mozambique. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. With C. ArndtS. Jones and J. van Dunem.
‘Foreign Aid’. IL. Blume and S. Durlauf (eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
‘Trade Liberalization and Spatial Inequality: A Methodological Innovation in Vietnamese Perspective’. Chapter 20 (pp. 514-31) in L. A. Winters (ed.) The WTO and Poverty and Inequality, vol. 1. Cheltenham and Northampton. Elgar, 2007. With H.T. Jensen.
Aid and Development: The Mozambican Case. Chapter 14 (pp. 235-88) in S. Lahiri (ed.) Frontiers of Economics and Globalization: Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. With C. Arndt and S. Jones. Online version by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2006.
‘Trade Liberalization and Spatial Inequality: A Methodological Innovation in Vietnamese Perspective’. Chapter 4 (pp. 64-86) in R. Kanbur, A. J. Venables, and G. Wan (eds.) Spatial Disparities in Human Development. Tokyo, New York and Paris: United Nations University Press, 2006. H.T. Jensen.
‘Globalization, Economic Reform, and Structural Price Transmission: SAM Decomposition Techniques with an Empirical Application to Vietnam’. Chapter 14 (pp. 287-307) in A. de Janvry and R. Kanbur (eds.) Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke. New York: Springer, 2006. With D. Roland-Holst.
‘New Perspectives on Aid Effectiveness’. Chapter in part I (pp. 43-62) in B. Tungodden, N. Stern, and I. Kolstad (eds.) Toward Pro-Poor Policies - Aid, Institutions and Globalization. Washington and New York: World Bank/Oxford University Press, 2004. With D. Roland-Holst. Also available in French from
‘Public Spending and Poverty in Mozambique’. Chapter 10 (pp. 209-40) in T. AddisonH. Hansen and F. Tarp (eds.) Debt Relief for Poor Countries. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. With R. Heltberg and K. Simler.
‘Evaluating Debt Relief: Introduction’. Chapter 1 (pp. 3-23) in T. AddisonH. Hansen and F. Tarp (eds.) Debt Relief for Poor Countries. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. With T. Addison and H. Hansen.
‘Reconstruction, Reform and State Capacity in Guinea-Bissau. Chapter 13 (pp. 206-27) in T. Addison (ed.) From Conflict to Recovery in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. With J. Kovsted.
‘Aid Effectiveness Disputed’. Chapter 4 (pp. 103-28) in F. Tarp (ed.) Foreign aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future. London and New York: Routledge, 2000, pp. 1-14. With H. Hansen.
‘Foreign Aid and Development: Summary and Synthesis’. Overview (pp. 1-14) in F. Tarp (ed.) Foreign aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future. London and New York: Routledge, 2000. With S. Robinson.
‘Structural Adjustment and After: Which Way Forward?’ Chapter 18 (pp. 344-65) in E. Aryeetey, J. Harrigan and M. Nissanke (eds.) Economic Reforms in Ghana: The Miracle & the Mirage. London: James Currey, 2000. With E. Aryeetey.
‘Danish Aid Policy: Theory and Empirical Evidence’. Chapter 9 (pp. 149-69) in K. Gupta (ed.) Foreign Aid: New Perspectives. Norwell: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. With C. F. BachH. Hansen and S. Baunsgaard.
‘Mozambique: Macroeconomic Performance and Critical Development Issues’. Chapter 14 (pp. 288-310) in L. Petersson (ed.) Post-Apartheid Southern Africa: Economic Challenges and Policies for the Future. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. With M.Igel Lau.



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c. Books, Anthologies, and Special Journal Issues


Mozambique at a Fork in the Road: An Institutional Diagnostic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Editor with A. Cruz, I. Ferreira and J. Flento.
RDS Poverty, Vulnerability and Covid-19. Special Symposium of Review of Development Economics, vol. 25(4), 2021. With P. Lanjouw.
Inequality in the Developing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 352 pages. Editor with C. Gradin and M. Leibbrandt.
Income Inequalities and Redistribution in China. Special Issue of China Economic Review, vol. 62, 2020. Guest editor.
Understanding Agricultural Development and Change: Learning from Vietnam. Special Issue of Food Policy, vol. 94, 2020. Guest Editor with C. Newman and S. Singhal.
Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 488 pages. Editor with J. Page.
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 270 pages. Editor with J. Rand.
Public Economics and Development Action. Special Issue of International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 26(5), 2019. Guest editor with J. Pirttila.
Migration Governance and Policy in the Global South. Special Section of International Migration, vol. 57(4), 2019. Guest editor with R. Gisselquist.
Aid Impact and Effectiveness. Special Issue of Politics and Governance, vol. 7(2), 2019. Guest editor with R. Gisselquist.
Inequalities in the Least Developed Countries - Some Lessons from Africa. Special Issue of South African Journal of Economics, vol. 87(2), 2019. Guest editor with C. Gradin.
Industries Without Smokestacks: Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 451 pages. Editor with R. Newfarmer and J. Page.
Inequality: Measurement, Trends, Impacts, and Policies. Special Issue of Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 63(4), 2017. Guest editor with T. Addison and J. Pirttila.
Macroeconomic Perspectives on Aid. Special Issue of Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53(7), 2017. Guest editor with T. Addison and O. Morrissey.
Review of Development Economics Aid, Environment and Climate Change. Special Issue of Review of Development Economics, vol. 21(2), 2017. Guest Editor with C. Arndt.
The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 640 pages. Editor with D. Arendt, C. Arndt, M. Miller and O. Zinaman.
The Practice of Industrial Policy: Government-Business Coordination in Africa and East Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 336 pages. Editor with J. Page.
Growth, Structural Transformation and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 336 pages. Editor. Published also in Vietnamese.
Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 384 pages. Editor with C. Arndt.
Africa's Lions: Growth Traps and Opportunities for Six African Economies. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2016, 270 pages. Editor with H. Bhorat.
Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 336 pages. Editor with C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles and M. Soderbom.
Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 466 pages. Editor with C. Arndt and A. McKay.
Aid for Gender Equality and Development. Special Issue of Journal of International Development, vol. 28, issue 3, 2016. Guest editor with T. Addison and C. Grown.
Made in Africa: A New Industrial Strategy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2016, 268 pages. With C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles and M. Soderbom.
Aid, Social Policy and Development. Special Issue of Journal of International Development, vol. 27, isuue 8, 2015. Guest editor with T. Addison and M. Nino-Zarazua.

Aid and Employment. Special Issue of African Development Review, vol. 27, Issue S1, 2015. Guest editor with S. Jones, J. Page and A. Shimeles.

Climate Change and the Zambezi River Valley. Special issue of Climatic Change, vol. 130(1), 2015. Guest Editor with J. Juana and P. Ward.
Aid Policy and the Macroeconomic Management of Aid. Special issue of World Development, vol. 69, 2015. Guest Editor with T. Addison
Review of Development Economics Climate Change and Economic Development. Special Issue of Review of Development Economics, vol. 16(3), 2012. Guest Editor with C. Arndt, P. Chinowsky, K. Strzepek and J. Thurlow.
Taxation in a Low-Income Economy: the Case of Mozambique. London and New York: Routledge, 2009, 383 pages. Editor with C. Arndt.
From Monobank to Commercial Banking: Financial Sector Reforms in Vietnam. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2005, 170 pages. With J. Kovsted and J. Rand.
Debt Relief for Poor Countries. Studies in Development Economics and Policy. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, 318 pages. Editor with T. Addison and H. Hansen.
Facing the Development Challenge in Mozambique: An Economy-wide Perspective. IFPRI Research Report 126, Washington D.C., 2002, 189 pages. With C. ArndtH. T. JensenS. Robinson, and R. Heltberg.
Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future. London and New York: Routledge, 2000, 512 pages. Editor, assisted by P. Hjertholm.
The South African Economy: Macroeconomic Prospects for the Medium Term. London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 219 pages. With P. Brixen.
Stabilization and Structural Adjustment: Macroeconomic Frameworks for Analysing the Crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. London and New York: Routledge, 1993, 212 pages.




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d. Academic Reviews



‘The Economics of Food Price Volatility. Review of University of Chicago Press, National Bureau of Economic Research volume by J. P. Chavas, D. Hummels, and B. D. Wright (eds.), Journal of Economic Literature, 2015, 53(2), pp. 377-8.
‘Tournament Approaches to Policy Reform: Making Development Assistance More Effective’. Review of Brookings Institution Press  volume by C. F. Zinnes, Journal of Economic Literature, 2010, 48(2), pp. 462-4.
‘Economic Growth, Poverty, and Household Welfare in Vietnam’. Review of World Bank volume by P. Glewwe, N. Agrawal and D. Dollar (eds.) Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 54(4), 2006, pp. 995-7.
‘Commentaires sur l’intervention de Jean-Philippe Platteau’. Afrique Contemporaine, vol. 211, 2004, pp. 215-32. With T. B. Andersen.
‘Aid and Reform in Africa’. Review of World Bank volume by S. Devarajan, D. R. Dollar and T. HolmgrenJournal of African Economies, vol. 10(4), 2001, pp. 341-53.
‘The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Change’. Review of George Allen & Unwin Press volume by E. Boserup. Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, vol. 138, 2000, pp. 150-2 (in Danish).
‘The Economic Development of Greenland’. Review of Aarhus University Press book volume by M. PaldamNationalokonomisk TidsskriftVol. 133(3), 1995, pp. 327-30 (in Danish).
‘From Adjustment to Development in Africa: Conflict, Controversy, Convergence, Consensus?’ Review of St. Martin's Press book volume by G. A. Cornia and G. K. HelleinerThe Economic Journal, vol. 105(433), November 1995, pp. 1659-61.
‘Environment and Development: An Economic Approach’. Review of Kluwer Academic Publishers book volume by J. Bojo, K.-G. Maler and L. Unemo. Nordic Journal of Environmental Economics, vol. 4, November 1993, pp. 44-5.
‘On Soft Terms: the World Bank, the IMF and Developing Countries’. Review of Danish UN Association book volume by K. K. Kristiansen and O. OlsenDen Ny Verden, Vol. 23(4), 1990, pp. 134-9 (in Danish).




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a. Journal Articles (Research and Dissemination)


Hjaelper vi? Den danske hjaelp til udviklingslandene: Hvorfor? Hvor meget? Hvordan?. Danmarks udviklingssamarbejde: muligheder i en udfordret verden. Samfundsokonomen, nr 2, 2024, pp. 9-18. With J. Flento and J. Rand.
Redaktionelt forord’. Danmarks udviklingssamarbejde: muligheder i en udfordret verden. Samfundsokonomen, nr 2, 2024, pp. 3-8. With A. M. Fejerskov.
‘Does Foreign Aid Make Economic Sense?’ The African Business Review, 2013, pp. 50-2.
‘The ‘Triple Crisis’’. Development Today, vol. XX(3), p. 11, March 2010.
‘Foreign Aid and the Bottom Billion’. IDS In Focus 3, art. 12, March 2008, 4 pages. With S. Jones.
‘Aid Does Work, But Beware of Great Expectations’. Poverty in Focus, October 2007, pp. 10-1.
‘Aid and Development’. Vision. Det frie forum for debat. Copenhagen, 2006 (in Danish).
‘Free Trade and What’s Next? Viewpoint’. Politiken, 8 October 2003. With C. Friis Bach, N. Kaergard, A. Larsen, and P. Pinstrup-Andersen (in Danish).  
The CIEM-NIAS project. NIIAS nytt, vol.4, pp. 4-5.
‘Structural Adjustment in Africa: Background and Economic Results’. Samfundsokonomen, no. 4, 1995, pp. 5-12 (In Danish).
‘The Heavy Burden of Apartheid’. Udvikling, vol. 7, 1992, pp. 14-7 (in Danish).
‘The Economic Legacy of Apartheid’. Den Ny Verden, vol. 25(3), 1992, pp. 111-23 (in Danish).
‘The Need for Food Aid in the 1990s’. Den Ny Verden, vol. 24(3), 1991, pp. 124-36 (in Danish).
‘Structural Adjustment and Agricultural Prices’. Tidsskrift for U-landbrug, vol. 2(1), 1990, pp. 5-7 (in Danish).


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b. Book Chapters and Encyclopaedic Articles


The Rationale of Foreign Aid Policy. Pages 312-9 in P. Andersen, I. Henriksen, J.H. Petersen and H. Zobbe (eds.) How Does the World Look? Jurist- og Okonomforbundets Forlag: Copenhagen, 2012 (in Danish).
Comment on: Platteau, J.P. (2003), Decentralized Development as a Strategy to Reduce Poverty?’’ In Poverty, Inequality and Growth: Proceedings of the AFD-EUDN Conference, 2003, pp. 331-54. Agence Francaise de Developpement. Magellan and Cie, Paris, 2003.

‘The Situation of the Developing Countries and Their Future’. Pages 37-64 in N. Kaergard and D. Errebo Pedersen (eds.) Agriculture and the economy. Copenhagen: Jordbrugsforlaget, 1996 (in Danish).
15 contributions to the Big Danish Encyclopedia published by Gyldendal, 1995-2001 (in Danish). Articles: Raul Prebisch, Bistand, Verdensbanken, John Kenneth Galbraith, Globalisering, Syd-syd samarbejde, Teknisk bistand, Regionale commissioner, Subsistensokonomi, Stabiliseringsprogram, Regionale banker, Udviklingsplanlaegning, Ulande, Strukturtilpasningsprogrammer, Udviklingsokonomi
‘Macroeconomic Reforms in Theoretical Context’. Chapter 5 (pp. 87-130) in K. E. Svendsen (ed.) The Debt Crisis of Developing Countries: Economic Analyses and StrategiesCopenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag, 1994 (in Danish).
‘The Debt Crisis: Background’. Chapter 2 (pp. 19-46) in K. E. Svendsen (ed.) The Debt Crisis of Developing Countries: Economic Analyses and StrategiesCopenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag, 1994 (in Danish).


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c. Books, Anthologies, and Special Journal Issues



Danmarks udviklingssamarbejde: muligheder i en udfordret verden. Samfundsokonomen, nr 2, 2024. Editor with A. M. Fejerskov.
A 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Viet Nam. Hanoi: Finance Publishing House, 2016, 55 pages. with Dang Thi Thu Hoai, D. van Seventer, Ho Cong Hoa and Tran Trung Hieu. Published also in Vietnamese.
2011 Social Accounting Matrix in Vietnam. CIEM-DANIDA Project Office, 2014, 92 pages (in English and Vietnamese). Download data.
A New Social Accounting Matrix for the Year 2000. Hanoi: Science and Technics Publishing House, 2004, 71 pages. With H.T. Jensen, J. Rand and in collaboration with Pham Lan Huong and Dinh Hien Minh.
1999 Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam. Hanoi: The Gioi Publishers, 2001, 81 pages. With D. Roland-HolstJ. Rand, Pham Lan Huong and Vo Tri Thanh.
Growth and Income Distribution in Developing Countries. Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 1978, pp. 1-159. Thesis for cand. polit. Degree (in Danish).


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d. Research Reports



‘Survey of Mozambican Manufacturing Firms 2022 - Final report’. Report prepared with DERG, UNU-WIDER and CEEG. Maputo, Mozambique, 2023. Published also in Portuguese.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2020 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam’. Research report prepared by the University of Copenhagen Development Economics Research Group (UCPH-DERG). With Saurabh Singhal, Smriti Sharma, Alessandra Hidalgo Arestegui, Ariana De Cross, Hoda El-Enbaby and Timothy Kell-Fien.
‘Building Resilience to Climate Change in Ethiopia - Household Survey Report. Report prepared by Policy Studies Institute (PSI) and University of Copenhagen Development Economics Research Group (UCPH-DERG), Denmark, Ethiopia, 2022.
‘Business Practice Intervention Survey: Descriptive Report. Report prepared with P. Falco, B. Gibertini, H. Hansen, S. McGill, J. Rand, B, Sorensen and N. Trifkovic, Myanmar, 2021.
Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Survey 2019: Descriptive Report. Report prepared with H. Hansen, B, Sorensen, S. McGill, B. Gibertini, N. Trifkovic, J. Rand, S. Myint, T. Zaw, Khin Moe Moe, Phyu Pyar Tun and Myo Htut Aung. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 2020.
Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 2018 Qualitative Study. Report prepared with J. Rand, P. Castro Rodriguez, N. Trifkovic and CSO. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 2019.
Myanmar Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Survey 2017: Descriptive Report. Report prepared with DERG, UNU-WIDER and CSO. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 2018.
Survey of Mozambican Manufacturing Firms 2017. Report prepared with DERG, UNU-WIDER and CEEG. Maputo, Mozambique, 2018. Published also in Portuguese.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2016 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Viet Nam’. Research report prepared with CIEM, ILSSA, University of Copenhagen and UNU-WIDER. Hanoi, Viet Nam, 2017. With C. Newman and others. Published also in Vietnamese.
Poverty and Well-Being in Mozambique: Fourth National Poverty Assessment. Research report with Ministry of Economics and Finance, Maputo, Mozambique, 2016 (In Portuguese). Executive Summary in English.
Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2015. Research report prepared with CIEM, University of Copenhagen, ILSSA and UNU-WIDER. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2016. With K. Brandt, J. Rand, S. Sharma and N. Trifković. Published also in Vietnamese.
‘Growth, Structural Transformation and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move’. Research report prepared with Danida support implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015. With DERG staff.
‘Firm-Level Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Evidence from 2010-14 Surveys’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS) implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015. With C. Newman, J. Rand and N. Trifkovic.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2014 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015.
  ‘Firm-Level Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Evidence from a Survey in 2013’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS) implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014. With C. Newman, J. Rand.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME survey in 2013’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014. With J. Rand et al.
‘2012 Survey of Mozambican Manufacturing Firms (IIM 2012)’. Research report with Ministry of Planning and Development, Maputo, Mozambique, 2013. With J. Rand et al.
‘Firm-level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam: Evidence From a Survey in 2012’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS) implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013. With C. Newman, J. Rand and T. Talbot.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2012 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam and the Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS), 2013. With DERG, CIEM and IPSARD research teams.
‘Firm-level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam: Evidence From a Survey in 2011’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS) implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012. With C. Newman, J. Rand and T. Talbot.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2011’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012. With J. Rand et al.
‘Implications of Climate Change for Economic Growth and Development in Vietnam’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Climate Change Programme and implemented by DERG and UNU-WIDER. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012. With C. Arndt, J. et al.
‘Firm-Level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam: Evidence From a Survey in 2010’. Research report prepared under the Danida supported Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS) implemented by DERG. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012. With J. Brach, C. Newman, J. Rand and CIEM.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2010 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam and the Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS), 2011. With DERG, CIEM and IPSARD research teams.
The Fisheries Sector in Vietnam: A Strategic Economic Analysis. Research Report prepared under the Fisheries Sector Programme Support (FSPS) II, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010. With DERG and CIEM research teams.
‘Poverty and Wellbeing in Mozambique: Third National Poverty Assessment’. Maputo, Mozambique, October 2010. With National Directorate of Studies and Policy Analysis Ministry of Planning and Development.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2009’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010. With J. Rand et al.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2008 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam and the Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS), 2009. With DERG, CIEM and IPSARD research teams.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2007’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008. With J. Rand et al.
‘The 2003 Merged Model for Vietnam’. Research report, Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Hanoi, Vietnam. 2007. With H. T. Jensen.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2006 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam and the Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS), 2007. With DERG, CIEM and IPSARD research teams.
‘Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2005’. Research report prepared under Component 5 of the Business Sector Development Programme (BSPS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2007. With J. Rand.
‘Enterprise Development in Mozambique: Results Based on Manufacturing Surveys Conducted in 2002 and 2006’. Research report, Ministry of Planning and Development, Mozambique, 2006. With C. Arndt, B. Byiers, J. Rand and Mozambique research team.
‘Feasibility Study Concerning Possible Future Danish Budget Support and Support to Complementary Activities in Vietnam’. A report to Danida, Copenhagen and Hanoi, April 2004. With H. Hansen.
‘NIAS Nytt - A Special Issue on Vietnam on Economic Reform and Development in Vietnam’. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, no. 4, 2003. Guest editor.
South Africa: Background and Possibilities for Danish Transitional Assistance. Copenhagen: Danida, February 1993, 143 pages. 
South Africa: Situation and Perspective Analysis. Copenhagen: Danida, February 1993, 47 pages (in Danish).
Angola: Background Report and Possibilities for Danish Development Assistance. Copenhagen: Danida, April 1992, 85 pages.
Angola: Situation and Perspective Analysis. Copenhagen: Danida, March 1992, 27 pages (in Danish).
The Family Sector: Observations and Indicators for Agricultural Planning. Ministry of Agriculture and FAO, Maputo, Mozambique. MOZ/86/007 Field Document no. 2, 1988, vols. 1 (61 pages) and 2 (88 pages).
A Comparative Analysis of the Agricultural Policy Documents Presented at the July 1986 SADCC Meeting in Harare. Ministry of Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique 1986, 17 pages.
A General Outline of Agricultural Development in Mozambique. Ministry of Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique July 1986, 16 pages (plus annexes). Prepared with R. Ribeiro as responsible.
The Agricultural Economy of Mozambique. FAO, Maputo, Mozambique 1982, 148 pages. Prepared under the supervision and responsibility of the FAO Representative.
The Agricultural Economy of Swaziland. FAO, Mbabane, Swaziland 1980, 153 pages. Prepared under the supervision and responsibility of the Acting SAA/FAO SAA C.R.





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e. Publications, Studies, and Reports Not Classified Elsewhere



‘Measuring Quality of Health-Care Services: What is Known and Where are the Gaps?’ Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 95(6), 2017, p. 390. With M. Kruk, E. Kelley, S. Syed, T. Addison and Y. Akachi.
‘Measuring Quality-of-Care in the Context of Sustainable Development Goal 3: A Call for Papers’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 94(3), 2016, pp. 157-232. With Y. Akachi, E. Kelley, T. Addison and M. Kruk.
‘Stockholm Statement: Towards a Consensus on the Principles of Policymaking for the Contemporary World’. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the World Bank. With S. Alkire, P. Bardhan, K. Basu, H. Bhorat, F. Bourguignon, A. Deshpande, R. Kanbur, J. Lin, K. Moene, J. P. Platteau, J. Saavedra and J. Stiglitz.
Aid Effectiveness. Report prepared for United Nations Development Group UNDG, 2015.
Jobs and Welfare in Mozambique. Country case study for the 2013 World Development Report, World Bank, Washington DC. and World Institute of Development Economics Research, 2012. With S. Jones.
Aid, Growth and Employment. ReCom Position Paper, UNU-WIDER, 2012. With T. Addison.
‘Aid, Growth and Macroeconomic Management. ReCom Position Paper, UNU-WIDER, 2012. With T. Addison.
‘IMF and Economic Reform in Developing Countries’. Danida, 2009. With P. Abbott and T. B. Andersen.
‘Financial Crisis: Implications for Developing Countries’. Development Economics Research Group (DERG) Briefing paper, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2008. With S. Jones and T.B. Andersen.
‘The Current Financial Crisis: Implications and Issues for less Developed Countries’. Development Economics Research Group (DERG) Briefing note, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2008. With S. Jones and T.B. Andersen.
‘The Effectiveness of Total ODA: An Evaluation Proposal’. A paper presented at A Workshop on Evaluating Total ODA Impact, Stockholm 10-11 November 2005. With J.W. Gunning and A. Bigsten.
Documentation of the Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) Survey in Vietnam for the year 2002 A report to the Ministry of Labour Invalid and Social Affairs of Vietnam, Hanoi, June 2004. With J. Rand, Nguyen Huu Dzung and Dao Quang Vinh.
‘Free Trade is not Enough: A New Vision for the Poorest Farmers’. Copenhagen: Danish Volunteer Service, 2003, 38 pages. With C. F. Bach, N. Kaergaard, A. Larsen and P. Pinstrup-Andersen.
A Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam for the Year 2000: Documentation. Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) and Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2002. With D. Roland-Holst, J. Rand and H. T. Jensen.
Programme Proposal for Danish Assistance to the Agricultural Sector in Mozambique. Danida report, Copenhagen, July 1996, 75 pages.
Mozambique: Urban Household Energy Project. Danida appraisal mission report, January 1990. Contributions to the work of this mission included work on: vol. I: Synthesis (in particular with G. Foley), 45 pages; vol. II: Country Background - Working Paper 1 (with I. Endreensen), 12 pages; and vol. II: Macroeconomic Issues - Working Paper 2, 21 pages.
‘IDS/EDI Study Seminar SS 125 on Economic Management for Structural Adjustment in sub-Saharan Africa: 6-24 August 1989’. A report to Danida and the Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen 1989, 20 pages.
‘Development Economics at the Institute of Economics: Some notes for further consideration’, University of Copenhagen, June 1989, 20 pages. Background report for major study reform. With J. P. Christensen (in Danish).
Assessment of the Need for Cold Storage Capacity in Maputo. Danida/Government of Mozambique Appraisal Report, January 1989, pp. 1.1-7.4 (plus 16 annexes). With T. Thomsen.
Some Comments on the SADCC Food and Agriculture Sector Strategy. Ministry of Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique 1986, 7 pages. With J. Toha.
Agricultural Planning in Mozambique: Review, Technical Assistance Needs and a Proposal for Institutional Support. TCP/MOZ/4506 document, Maputo, Mozambique 1986, 17 pages (plus four annexes). Prepared with J. M. Caballero, based on background document elaborated by F. Tarp. Also a series of detailed project documents constituting a consolidated 5-year technical assistance programme were drafted.
Agriculture Sector Component of the Third UNDP Country Programme. Ministry of Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique 1986, 16 pages.
Most semi-annual reports of the FAO Office in Mozambique covering the period July 1982 to December 1986 drafted under the supervision and responsibility of the FAO Representative. See here an attached example for 1985.
A System for Forest Sector Control and Statistics. FAO, Maputo, Mozambique 1981, 27 pages. MOZ/76/007 project working document.
Two Theories of Economic History. Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 1978, 17 pages. Part of curriculum in advanced economic history for graduate students (in Danish).


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f. Policy Briefs



Mining for Change: How Can Natural Resources Support Inclusive Growth in Africa. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 4/2020. With J. Page.
Migration Governance in the Global South. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 3/2020. With R. Gisselquist.
Designing Inclusive Public Finance Policies in Developing Countries: Five Key Issues and Solutions. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 2/2020. With J. Pirttila.
Eight Lessons on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Vietnam. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 1/2020. With J. Rand.
Unequal Growth in Mozambique and the Region. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 9/2019. With C. Gradin.
Aid Effectiveness: Growth and Beyond. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 8/2019. With R. Gisselquist.
Is Global Inequality Rising or Falling? WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 2/2019. With T. Addison and J. Pirttila.
Inequality Dynamics in China: Income Growth for the Poor, But More for the Rich. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 4/2018. With S. Li and T. Sicular.
Measuring Quality of Health-Care Services: What is Known and Where are the Knowledge Gaps? WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 10/2017.
Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 9/2017. With C. Arndt.
Aid is not Dead: The Latest Evidence on the Effectiveness of ODA. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 8/2017. With T. Addison and O. Morrissey
Aid, Environment and Climate Change. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 7/2017. With C. Arndt.
The Political Economy of Clean Energy. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 6/2017. With C. Arndt.
The Practice of Industrial Policy: Four Lessons for Africa. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 5/2017. With J. Page.
Africa's Lions: Three challenges limiting the potential for inclusive growth. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 4/2017. With H. Bhorat.
Tracking Rural Households through Structural Transformation: The Case of Viet Nam. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 3/2017. 
Made in Africa:The Challenge of Industrialization. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 4/2016. With C. Newman and J. Page.
Aid and Employment: Creating Good Jobs in Africa. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 2/2016.
Two Cheers on Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a 16 Country Study. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 1/2016. With C. Arndt and A. McKay. 
Four Key Areas to Improve Aid Effectiveness. WIDER Policy Brief, Volume 2/2015. With T. Addison. 
Diversity Among Rapid Transformation: Welfare Dynamics in Rural Vietnam, 2006 to 2012. CIEM Policy Brief, Volume 1 of 2013. With A. McKay.
The Availability and Effectiveness of Credit in Rural Vietnam: Evidence from the Vietnamese Access to Resources Household Survey 2006-2008-2010. CIEM Policy Brief, Volume 5 of 2012. With C. Newman and Nguyen Le Hoa.
Income Shocks and Household Risk-Coping Strategies: The Role of Formal Insurance in Rural Vietnam. CIEM Policy Brief, Volume 4 of 2012. With DERG, CIEM and CAP research teams.
Economic Development and Subjective Well-Being. Evidence from Rural Vietnam. CIEM Policy Brief, Volume 4 of 2012. With T. Markussen, M. Fibaek and Nguyen Do Anh Tuan
Welfare Dynamics in Rural Vietnam, 2006 to 2010. CIEM Policy Brief, Volume 3 of 2012. With A. McKay